dimanche 12 octobre 2014

Depression and Our Culture

Depression and Our Culture

The word depression is a heavy word; most of use hears this word Depression in a negative quotation. Our culture has used this word to describe pivotal moment in our history; such has the Great Depression which described our time when our economy was so low it affected our living as a society. Through much medical research we have uncovered the bio-medical reason for depression; such as serotonin level and etc. We also realized that in our culture today more and more people suffer from depression. Depression can vary by individuals, culture, and lifestyle. Many of our young people suffer depression because of pier pressures and high educational standards and many uses anti-depression to through their daily lives. Many of our great leaders in history suffered from Depression e.g Winston Churchill, Napoleon Bonaparte and many more. Why the rise of depression in our culture? Why does our society feel burden by the heaviness of life.

Depression in the Bible

            When we associate depression and the Bible together it doesn’t seem right but we would be surprised of how many people in the bible suffered from depression. There are numerous scriptures that would paint a character that was going through an episode of depression. Let’s look at a few: David; the king of Israel constantly faced obstacles while being on the throne, throughout  the Book of Psalms we can hear the distress and depression King David was going through especially during the time he was pursued by Saul and Absalom. “I am troubled, I am bowed down greatly; I go mourning all the day long. …I groan because of the turmoil of my heart” (Psalm 38:6,8 - NKJV). Jesus: even our Saviour had an episode of depression in the garden of Gethsemane. In Mark 14 v 32-34 Jesus says “32 And they came to a place which was named Gethsemane: and he saith to his disciples, Sit ye here, while I shall pray. 33 And he taketh with him Peter and James and John, and began to be sore amazed, and to be very heavy; 34 And saith unto them, My soul is exceeding sorrowful unto death: tarry ye here, and watch. But by the time it is verse 35-36 Jesus gives us the solution to depression He says “....not my will but thy will be done” Jesus teaches us to let go and Let God, to let his will be done.

“But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint” (Isaiah 40:31).

Anxiety and our culture

            Anxiety is a constant problem in our culture, we are bombarded with so much information that we have no time to relax and enjoy life. The information age has been a positive but also a negative. Every day when we open the television or radio all we hear is bad news about our economy, countries and families. We are not at ease because we worry about everything for there is constant change all the time. The possible causes of anxiety are many: Conflict, health problems, dangerous situations, death, unmet needs, spiritual problems, false beliefs, etc.

Anxiety and the Bible

            The Bible teaches ways we can deal with anxiety in our lives. There are many scriptures that can encourage us during times of fear, and anxiety.

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:6-7).

“Then Jesus said to his disciples: ‘Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat; or about your body, what you will wear. Life is more than food, and the body more than clothes. Consider the ravens: They do not sow or reap, they have no storeroom or barn; yet God feeds them. And how much more valuable you are than birds! Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life? Since you cannot do this very little thing, why do you worry about the rest?’” (Luke 12:22-26, NIV). (Also see Matthew 6:25-34)

Loneliness and our Culture

            I feel that loneliness is a hidden epidemic in our culture. I say hidden because when we see our culture today, you would think that is all about community and togetherness, but I doubt it. In our culture today we are focused about self, self gratification, self awareness, self publicity and of course a million dollars industry self help books. It’s all about “me, me, and me” Let’s look at our celebrities, many celebrities today suffer from loneliness, when the lights, camera and action are gone and they are left by themselves, they realize how lonely they are. You may be in the midst of hundreds of people and still feel lonely because of how you perceive yourself. Now with the technological age such television, internet and social media we are more prone to be lonely and in solitude.

Loneliness and the Bible

            The bible teaches us that we are never alone, God is omnipresent and He is in our presence all the time.

And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.

Matthew 28: 2

Self-Esteem and Our Culture

            There are not enough pages to talk about self-esteem. In our culture only that subject can be studied forever. I believe that Self esteem will dictate the direction you will take in life. Everyday our attitude towards ourselves will determine the success of our day. As women, if we wake up feeling good about self, our hair, clothes and makeup, we will walk like a million bucks. Our confidence will get better and make better decision. The same for the opposite, it we wake up feeling not so good, it will determine if we will have a good day. Many of us place our esteem in what we see on television and what our media is projecting. Many of our esteem have been broken because of childhood experiences, abuse and neglect.

Self-esteem and the Bible

            There are many scriptures that could help us boost our self-esteem. Just knowing that we are children of God should make us feel and walk differently.

No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us Romans 8:37

Nahomie Acelin, bloggueuse pour Ministère Resurexion


dimanche 28 septembre 2014

Nourturing vs Nourishing as it relates to ministry. Chp.2

Hebrews 5:12-13 says “You have been Christians a long time now, and you ought to be teaching others. Instead, you need someone to teach you again the basic things a beginner must learn about the Scriptures. You are like babies who drink only milk and cannot eat solid food. 13And a person who is living on milk isn’t very far along in the Christian life and doesn’t know much about doing what is right.” (NLT)
Nurturing according to the definition is the action of training and developing with the result of becoming. Jesus nurtured is disciple, trained and taught them of the things of God so that they would become great apostles. The result of Jesus nurturing them was manifested in Acts 2, when the Holy Spirit came upon them and gave them power and boldness to become apostle to the world. But before this, Jesus sent them out to teach and nurture other disciples, who in turn would teach and nurture others. He hasn't changed His plan; we are still called to nurture others, especially does of the faith. Nurturing is all about developing others. The biggest teachings to nurture other leaders are by example. If Jesus did not say a word while on earth, we still would have learned because his action and attitude were amazing.
Now the action of nourishing is to promote growth and sustain. Jesus nourished his disciple with his Word, his teachings, his love and compassion. We are called to do the same. Paul instructs us in, 1 Timothy 4:6 if you instruct the brothers of these things; you will be a good servant of Christ Jesus, nourished in the words of the faith, and of the good doctrine which you have followed. We must first as leaders to seat at a place where we could be fed and nourish, we must hear the Word and be doers of the Word.
So when we look at your subject and topic, I personally do not see both as “vs” but see them as partners, partners of development and training in the ministry. It is important to have both in ministry to be successful and efficient.
Nahomie Acelin, blogueuse pour Ministère Resurexion.

dimanche 14 septembre 2014

Nurturing vs Nourishing as it relates to ministry. Chp.1

When I read that the topic of our essay was on Nurturing vs Nourishing, I was quite puzzled because I thought it was the same word and had the same definition. So I started researching the definition of each word. So before going any further let’s read the definition of each word.
The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines nurture as; training, upbringing; something that nourishes or the sum of the environmental factors influencing the behavior and traits expressed by an organism.
The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines nourishes as; to promote the growth of; to furnish or sustain with nutriment, to fee, maintain and support.
 After reading each definition it was easy for me to understand that there is no nurturing without nourishing.
Now to put it in a context of ministry is very significant, for it is important to have both to have an effective ministry. First we must look at the fact that the key factor for effective ministry is based on our relationship with God and others. As minister of the Gospel we are placed in position that we must nurture and nourish the flock, but first  WE must be placed under leadership that are willing to nurture us and nourish us to become all that God as called us to be.

Nahomie Acelin, blogueuse pour Ministère Resurexion.

samedi 13 septembre 2014

Le film L'Heureux Naufrage a fait des heureux!

Hier soir, le vendredi 12 septembre 2014, était la grande première du film l'Heureux Naufrage à Montréal, réalisé par monsieur Guillaume Tremblay. Pour ma part, le film, l'Heureux Naufrage est un film percutant, qui nous pousse à réfléchir par rapport au vide spirituel et la quête de sens au Québec. Ce qui est fort intéressant dans ce film, c'est de voir  des personnalités publiques, tel que des théologiens, philosophes, artistes, etc. qui osent se poser des questions relativement aux valeurs judéo-chrétiennes. Celles-ci qui ont, tous comptes faits, façonnés notre société autrefois, n'ont pas perduré avec le temps. On se doit de conclure, que ses questions sont légitimes.  Enfin, j'admire la démarche du réalisateur et c'est un film très pertinent. 

Bertholi G. Gaspard, Blogueur pour Ministère Resurexion.

Pour plus d'information visiter le site internet : http://www.heureuxnaufrage.com/
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/HeureuxNaufrage/info


jeudi 11 septembre 2014

Resurexion Ministries blog

Hot topics written by bloggers Nahomie & Bertholi (September to December 2014) twice a month on Sundays: Sect, leadership, spiritual abuse, doctrine, Christian spirituality, etc.

mercredi 10 septembre 2014

Ministère Resurexion blogue bilingue!

Sujets chauds sans compromis écrit par nos blogueurs Nahomie & Bertholi. De septembre à décembre 2014 bimensuellement les dimanches : Secte, leadership, abus spirituels, doctrine, la spiritualité chrétienne, etc.

lundi 25 août 2014

Pasteur Mark Driscoll prend une pause!

Le jeune pasteur de 43 ans a été sous le feu des projecteurs ces derniers mois. Car, il a été accusé d'avoir fait du plagiat et il a également utiliser des fonds de l'église d'une manière inapproprié pour mousser la vente de son livre parlant du mariage et il aurait été très dur avec ses collègues ministériels. Nous croyons que notre Dieu restaure ses enfants, étant donné que nous sommes dans le corps de Christ. Gardons le pasteur en prière.

Pour voir la vidéo 


jeudi 21 août 2014

Nos blogueurs Nahomie & Bertholi

Bertholi G. Gaspard est un jeune pasteur né à Montréal. Il a commencé son ministère à l’âge de 21 ans. Au fur et à mesure, il prêche dans plusieurs églises chrétiennes évangéliques en annonçant l’évangile de Jésus-Christ. Trois ans après le début de son ministère, il se marie avec Cynthia R. Louissaint qui devient sa compagne dans sa vocation. Le couple fréquenta une église en implantation, l’Église Différence de Montréal-Nord. Quelques années plus tard, le couple va fonder le Ministère Resurexion. En octobre 2009, Bertholi Gaspard, devient un des chroniqueurs pour l’émission de radio Xplosion Gospel. Connu pour son franc-parler, il ne laisse personne indifférent à la radio et il y resta jusqu’en 2013.
 En 2012, la famille Gaspard fréquenta l’Église Sion de la Fraternité, dirigé par le Pasteur Jacques Lamarre et le Pasteur Daniel Chéry. Le couple deviendra leader de jeunesse de cette église en le nommant «Connexion 3.0.».
En août 2013, la dénomination de l’Alliance Chrétienne et Missionnaire, approcha Bertholi et Cynthia Gaspard pour assister et aider un Pasteur à implanter une nouvelle église interculturelle à Montréal au niveau pastoral. Bertholi Gaspard est diplômé de l’Université Laval en Théologie. Il est diplômé en Études Bibliques à Colorado Theological Seminary et il a une attestation en «Formation en éthique» à l’École National d’Administration Publique. Enfin, Pasteur Bertholi Gaspard travaille au sein de la fonction publique québécoise et avec Cynthia Louissaint, ils sont parents de deux enfants.
Nahomie Acelin est une enseignante, prédicatrice et une femme de prière. Présentement, elle consacre sa vie à aider les autres à surmonter leurs difficultés et leurs blessures. De ce fait, son mandat consiste à remanier la vie des gens blessés, afin que ceux-ci puissent faire avancer le Royaume de Dieu.

Nahomie Acelin a obtenu un diplôme à  Ottawa School of Bible. De surcroît,elle est la fondatrice de Zelo5experience et a été l'hôte d'une conférence Mantle of Power Academy. Elle est également bloggeuse pour le Ministère Resurexion. Elle a longtemps travaillé avec le Dr. Shirandi Shamamba professeur à l’Université  Beulah Heights à Atlanta dans l’état de Géorgie et celui-ci est le  fondateur de 
Most High International Ministries.

Nahomie Acelin est une voix pour cette génération. Par-dessus tout, elle désir voir la prochaine génération entrer dans leur appel.

Enfin, elle est très respectée et appréciée dans sa communauté. Cependant une de ses plus grandes joies est d'être l’épouse de Ronald Félix et mère de deux enfants.

lundi 18 août 2014

Une secte menace de perturber les funérailles de l'acteur Robin Williams

Selon le site Tvanouvelles, un groupe extrémiste menace de perturber les funérailles de l'acteur Robin Williams.

En faisant des recherches sur cette organisation, il s'agit d'une secte haineuse qui propage des idées de haine sous le couvert de la religion. Cela n'a rien à voir avec la religion chrétienne. 

Sources :



samedi 2 août 2014

Ministère Resurexion : La voix du bon berger

Le groupe de louange Ministère Resurexion interprète un chant évangélique composé par Bruno Laffitte, lors d'un événement de jeunesse dans une église à Montréal.


Biographie de Nahomie Acelin

Nahomie Acelin est une enseignante, prédicatrice et une femme de prière. Présentement, elle consacre sa vie à aider les autres à surmonter leurs difficultés et leurs blessures. De ce fait, son mandat consiste à remanier la vie des gens blessés, afin que ceux-ci puissent faire avancer le Royaume de Dieu.

Nahomie Acelin a obtenu un diplôme à  Ottawa School of Bible. De surcroît,elle est la fondatrice de Zelo5experience et a été l'hôte d'une conférence Mantle of Power Academy. Elle est également bloggeuse pour le Ministère Resurexion. Elle a longtemps travaillé avec le Dr. Shirandi Shamamba professeur à l’Université  Beulah Heights à Atlanta dans l’état de Géorgie et celui-ci est le  fondateur de Most High International Ministries.

Nahomie Acelin est une voix pour cette génération. Par-dessus tout, elle désire voir la prochaine génération entrer dans leur appel.

Enfin, elle est très respectée et appréciée dans sa communauté. Cependant une de ses plus grandes joies est d'être l’épouse de Ronald Félix et mère de deux enfants.